We all know that relationships are the foundation to every successful business.

We spend a huge amount of time pouring into client, vendor, B2B and supplier relationships because we know they are the very essence to prosperity.

But unfortunately, too often we do not invest equal amounts of time and energy into the very most important relationships in our businesses – our relationships with our employees.

I’m talking about true relationships. Not just a conference call or IM ping checking in to make sure a project is on track or providing an update on current working guidelines given the Coronavirus impact.

I’m talking about relationships in the truest definition of the word: an emotional connection with others.

I’m talking about checking in with the deepest sincerity and asking, “How are you REALLY doing right now? How can I help?”

Many leaders are rethinking their business models right now. They are rethinking profit streams, revenue arms and operations tactics.

Now is also the time to be rethinking how much time and energy you invest into your employee relationships – as these are the relationships that truly need the most nurturing.

More often than not, our employees give us their absolute best. They are diligent, trustworthy and proactive. Unfortunately, we have all been beaten up a bit – and many employees are not feeling very safe or impactful at the moment. They need emotional support.

Employees need to know you value the relationship with them deeply too – the emotional connection. Because the workplace, after all this settles down, will be impacted emotionally for some time.

Hopefully you are communicating frequently and effectively with your clients, suppliers and vendors right now, with empathetic voices and ears.

But also ensure you are communicating empathetically just as much, if not more, with your employees. They need to know that your relationship with them matters as well.